What do we do?
Remnant Afire, Inc. began in 2005 as Missions with Africa, Inc. and recently switched to our new name. We realized we were hindering the work in our own country because the title was misleading.
What do we do? We share the Gospel of Jesus, and Him as the sole Redeemer of mankind. Since 2005 many trips have been made to Uganda and Kenya.
Primarily we work with rural outreaches, in prisons, hospitals, schools and small communities. We also go into refugee camps with the Gospel, Bibles and curriculum.
In Uganda we work with Truth Evangelistic Fountain Ministries who have lead our outreaches for many years.
Uganda & Kenya
Lango Evangelistic Agenda is reaching out to around 1000 villages of the Lango tribe, not excluding their neighboring tribes.
This outreach has reached hundreds of souls and is doing followup so that new converts are not forgotten and let slip back into the ways of the world.
If there is not a church situated to take care of the newcomers, then TEF (Truth Evangelistic Fountain) sends people out to start a fellowship.
One community recently had over 750 people come to Jesus and they are building their own church and bringing more converts in. Followup has been amazing as the new converts continue to grow.
Remnant Afire, Inc. has placed thousands of Bibles in the churches, with new converts, pastors, schools, and rural villages since it’s conception. It is our heart throb to make sure that people receive the Word. It does no good to bring someone to the knowledge of Jesus and salvation and then not disciple them and give them the Word to study for themselves.
We celebrate and appreciate everyone who gives to this outreach.
Rural Churches
Rural churches are one of Remnant’s favorite outreaches when we go on our missions trips.
There are plenty of ministries who come to do cities and big places. We go out where the bigger ministries can’t go.
We are willing to go right out into the villages and do one on one ministry with the community.
Schools are an amazing outreach. Young men, women and children have the ability to believe and receive Jesus so easily compared to older people, and they run to their fellow students with His message.
Uganda and Kenya are open to outreach in the schools. TEF has a specific outreach in this area.
Remnant has added curriculum to their Bible outreach, sending in two books that God gave the president, Lenta Hall, to share. These are never charged for, as the Bibles are not, so donations to cover costs are always welcome.
One is for beginners, “Straight Talk About Being Born Again and Baptized” and the other is about maturing in the knowledge of God’s spiritual journey, “Created for Empowerment”.
Prisoners are one of the outreaches that the Remnant team loves to do. There are few people that need salvation and encouragement as much as those in the prisons.
Every trip the team takes we do prison outreach. It is one of our prime goals and always, there are many come to Jesus. It is here that we also send Bibles. There are actual groups within the prison that share Jesus and disciple the new converts.